Do you know what is going on inside your body?

We are like an iceberg with 20% visible over the surface and 80% non visible. Why does so many fit people who are eating ”good food” and spending hours in the gym end up with health issues?

The LifePower Institute can help you discover if some of the essential stepping stones to a good health are in place or not.

Through a simple blood test, analyzed by the independent laboratory Vitas in Norway, we can find out your Omega 3 and Omega 6 balance, if your cells are able to absorb the nutrients you are feeding them, your vitamin D level and more. We will coach you in building a lifestyle that will increase you LifePower. You will get an individualized lifestyle plan with nutrition, supplements, goal settings, and individualized training program. Do you want to know more? contact us by clicking below.

Book a free discovery call.